Profit from the Sun:
Double Your Solar Lead Generation

Hungry to Multiply Your Solar Business Leads by Two?

Listen up, fellow solar warriors! Are you on the prowl to not just increase, but DOUBLE your solar business leads? It’s time to stop playing small and start thinking big, really big.

At LeadClicker, we’re all about powering up your business and dialing your profits to a whole new level. Forget about the old school, worn-out door-to-door marketing hustle, we’re here to catapult you into the fast-paced world of online lead generation.


Why choose us? Well, we don’t just talk the talk. We’ve got the battle scars from years in the sales and marketing trenches.



Now, imagine this: over 1,500 solar companies across 43 states, basking in the glow of over 2 million leads generated in more than 286 diverse markets. Both residential and commercial solar…we’ve supercharged them all.

But we’re not just about numbers. We craft unique, custom-made lead generation systems, tailored to the specifics of YOUR business, using our data troves to turbocharge your appointments and sales.

Facebook? Yeah, they might give you cheap leads, but you’ll find the quality’s about as good as a two-dollar solar torch. Google and shared lead providers? They’ll cost you an arm and a leg. 


Unearthing the Goldmine of Solar Data

When we dove headfirst into the solar marketing arena years ago, we didn’t just dip our toes in—we cannonballed. The result? We’ve amassed a treasure trove of homeowner information, worth more than $60 million, mined straight from the digital veins of the internet. And folks, this isn’t just some dusty old data. It’s the secret sauce that fuels our powerhouse solar campaigns.

Over the years, we’ve rolled up our sleeves and mined more than 2000 solar marketing blitzkriegs across the US of A. This wasn’t a shot in the dark, we meticulously collected data, honing our methods to a razor’s edge. Our strategy? We’re not about hunting for a needle in a haystack. We’ve got the magnet that draws the “credit-qualified” homeowners, hungry for solar, straight into your sales pipeline.

Why Make The Leadclicker Choice?

Purchasing leads from these companies can be as frustrating as a cloudy day in the solar business. Why? Because these leads aren’t exclusive—they’re tossed your way and your competitor’s simultaneously. These companies are just lead resellers, and honestly, they couldn’t care less if you walk away, there’s always another buyer in line.

The Power-Up Stage: Lead Qualification

You see, we’re not just about flashy YouTube tactics. We’ve stretch each lead’s resolve to test them to make sure each lead that lands on your line is put through a rigorous pre-qualification marathon, fueled by our goldmine of solar data, until you’re ready to launch your campaign – either by having us test your leads further, or you calling them. 

Our areas of expertise

The LeadClicker Edge: Why We're Your Solar Business Supercharger

We don’t just weed out the timewasters and tire-kickers; we send them packing. If they don’t meet our strict criteria—like boasting a stellar credit score, owning a sun-soaked roof, and shouldering hefty electric bills—they’re out of the race.

Exclusive Leads, Pre-Set Appointments: Our Promise to You

Each lead is your lead, carefully curated and rigorously pre-qualified. We weed out the time-wasters, the tire-kickers, and the not-quite-rights, leaving you with a pipeline of high-potential prospects eager for solar solutions. And here's the cherry on top: we deliver these leads complete with pre-set appointments. No more chasing, no more cold-calling. Just ready and waiting homeowners, primed for your pitch. That's the LeadClicker promise.

Phone Qualified Leads: The LeadClicker Gold Standard

At LeadClicker, we don't just deal in leads. We're purveyors of premium, phone-qualified leads. We're talking about the kind of leads that don't just boost your numbers; they supercharge your sales. Our rigorous pre-qualification process ensures each lead we send your way is more than just a name on a list. They're homeowners with sun-drenched roofs, significant electric bills, and credit scores that shine bright. And we don't just stop at pre-qualification. Each lead is phone-verified, ensuring their solar interest is as high as the midday sun. With LeadClicker's phone-qualified leads, you're not just casting a wide net—you're fishing with a golden hook.

Converting Solar Prospects into Profits: The LeadClicker Way

At LeadClicker, we've turned the art of converting solar prospects into profits into a veritable science. We don't just offer leads; we deliver potential powerhouses of profit, meticulously pre-qualified and primed for conversion. How do we do it? With a unique blend of cutting-edge marketing strategies, years of industry-specific data, and an unwavering commitment to your success. We sift through the sea of solar prospects, identifying only those who are truly ripe for conversion—homeowners with prime rooftops, hefty electric bills, and robust credit scores. But it doesn't stop there. We work hand-in-hand with you, empowering you with the tools, techniques, and insights you need to turn these high-potential leads into tangible profits. With LeadClicker, it's not just about making a sale; it's about driving sustainable growth for your solar business.